Friday, May 4, 2007

Time to show some moxie....

I love blogs, I really do but the thought of my own really intimidates me.

Yeah, no big deal you say putting your thoughts on the World Wide Web. I have a friend, Greg, he’s amazing by the way, super funny, and his dad refers to it as the World Wide Web, never the internet….cracks me up!

Anywho, I was always that girl in school, the one who never wanted to share her writing with anyone. I have always envied those who bravely shared their hearts in poetry class or volunteered to read their writing in creative writing. In college I took plenty of writing classes but still have been so self conscious of my writing. To me it is personal. I write when I am stressed, when I need to vent, when I have ideas. Not just because.

Well, I’m switching it up. I’m writing. Here on the World Wide Web. Maybe it’s the cancer getting to me and I know it sounds so cliché but really, to live everyday to the fullest is a must. How quickly this all will pass. I have thoughts worth hearing and ideas worth creating, darn it….so listen up!


Lindsy said...

I'm going to make it a goal to comment on every post you post!

Jeffrey said...

i love blogs and i love your writing.-liz

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.