Thursday, December 6, 2007

The best random outing ever.

Seriously. This made my day.
I was heading downtown this afternoon to buy more envelopes (story of my life) and I came upon a wonderful sight. We have been watching this drive-thru Starbucks being built on our side of town. The nearest drive-thru Starbucks has been in West Salem (7 or so miles) and although there is one inside the Safeway near our house, and three others fairly close, not a drive-thru. I know what you are thinking and you are right. I am just that lazy. So, we have been watching, waiting with baited breath for the blessed Oakhill drive-thru Starbucks to open. Today was the day. On my way to the paper store I spotted what looked to be a ribbon cutting ceremony. I tend to have a sense for these sort of things, I have worked for a Chamber of Commerce and I know the importance of a good ribbon cutting ceremony. The big ribbon, the bow, the HUGE fake gold scissors, the suits, the smiling faces and the newspaper cameras. Really, it's a good time had by all. So, back to the story. I get my envelopes...I'm driving home and when I pass this time the drive-thru is filled with cars! What an opportunity I think to myself. This is great...we can experience this double shot wonder of an establishment on the first day it is open! So I head to Pringle Elementary. I pick up Tiff and we head over. But this is no ordinary day at Oakhill This is the best random outing ever. It's friends and family day, and yes, we are friends of the bucks and sure, we have spent enough money on their products over the years that we should be family. This is our day. And to show their appreciation to us. FREE. Yeah, whatever we want...on the house. To top it all off we were also treated to about five rounds of samples while we were in line. Seriously, amazing.

2 venti, non-fat, pumpkin spice, no water, chai lattes...check
1 sausage breakfast sandwich...check
1 reduced-fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich with no bacon...check
breakfast for dinner....nailed it.

Man, stuff tastes so much better when it's free.

It truly was a Christmas miracle.



Brandi said...

That is so great. I too got to enjoy starbucks today. Yep I got a free 20.00 gift card yesterday from one of our cosmetic reps. Gotta love free, oh how do

Sarah said...!!! Yeah for you guys! Free is the bestest, ever!

Micah said...

Keep it to yourself!

P.S. I Love You

Sarah said...

It's time! It's time! For a new post! ;)

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.