Monday, December 17, 2007

I've found him....

...the perfect man. That's right. He's amazing. Brown curlyish hair, not too skinny, good dresser, passionate about what he does. He showers me with gifts, takes every chance he gets to be near me and I have no question at all about how he feels. And today he asked me out. On a date. Wants to take me to Applesbee's for some nachos and then bowling. How sweet. There's just one problem. He's in 3rd grade. Yeah, bummer. I've been volunteering in Tiffany's classroom and have had a great time getting to know her students. One guy (we'll just call him "Pablo") is a real great kid and has developed a bit of a crush. Today when I came to the classroom he gave me a bag of Kissables and asked me out. Kid are bold. Pablo is great...maybe he has a single uncle.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

At first I thought you might be talking about a poodle. Then, silly me, I remembered you aren't the biggest animal fan. So, of course you weren't talking about a dog!

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.