Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today I had plans...

1. Go to church
2. Come home
3. Eat (I have to put that on the list or I'll forget, seriously, and then all of a sudden I'm crabby. Who knew?
3.5 Watch the football game while I eat (this counts as only half a number because I can eat and watch at the same time, you know...double whammy.
4. Laundry (the never ending pile)
5. Put away laundry (my least favorite thing to do besides the grocery store)
6. Get caught up on e-mails
7. Photograph my Valentine line cards for etsy
8. Take a bath
9. Make some phone calls

So yeah, plans.

I accomplished #1, made an amendment to the list and had my rig washed then came home to tackle #3. After making a little P, B & J I turn on the game, a commercial comes on so I flip the channel and before you know it I am totally enthralled in a Lifetime movie.

Yeah, I'm admitting it. I watched one...the whole thing. It was terrible. I will say that Zach from Saved By The Bell was a cast member so you gotta support stuff like that right? I mean really, what's left after Kelly Kapowski, Screech, Mr. Belding and the rest of the crew at Bayside High? I guess Lifetime movies.

So here I am, blogging. Blogging about not much of anything while #4 (the laundry is staring me in the face). And all of this blogging started when I came to the computer to catch up on #3.5, totally missed the Patriot's win. Once the movie took over I forgot to switch back to the game. I guess I've always had a thing for Zach Morris, it's hard to break a bond like that folks.

I guess it's back to my plan.

But you know what they say about plans...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh, Zach Morris, how I loved thee!

Acid wash jeans will never go outta style in my mind because of that boy.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.