Tuesday, May 20, 2008

No Big Deal.

Yeah, I've really been MIA this time.

So, here's my thought. Let's not mix work and play. I'm going to branch off and start blog number two. Yeah, I know what you are thinking..."She can't even keep this one updated, how in the wide world of sports is she going to be faithful to two?". Exactly. We'll just see how it works. I have a lot of stuff running through this little head of mine, a ton that I am learning and I believe that it is worth sharing or at least getting off my chest. So, I want to keep Snail Mail going with Simple Spiel stuff but will be starting an additional blog soon with "life stuff". Check back soon...

Until then, here are a few pictures of non work related items of the 1980's sort. That's just how I roll.

Matt & Ryan

Tyson & Tracy

My GTGs Caitlin & Trac

Team PB & J


aunt cece said...

Glad to see you back - we thought you must have been abducted by the Mac aliens.....
Keep us posted -
love you, aunt cece

Tracy said...

It's about time girl! I am happy to see I am still one of your GTG! And I am happy you will be blogging more...I miss you, I mean I never get to see you since you live so far away:)

Giordi said...

Where the funk did that guy get a Budweiser belt. So awesome!

Sarah said...

Your hair is HOTT. I'm lovin' it.

Brandi said...

Long time no see~ What have you been up to? Glad to see you are still alive.

Micah said...

Hey, it's Kara! I just wanted to tell you that your party costume is sure in style. (and pretty wierd and crazy) Nice choice. But my first reaction was "Oh Missy No No No!" Love you anyway!

Sarah said...

So...is your new blog keeping you so busy that you've no time for this one?

And where is said new blog?

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.