Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Creative Shamative

Here's the deal. I've been feeling so uncreative. It's terrible. I moved to McMinnville 2 months ago and I now have a place to be creative, a whole room for the random craziness that is my design style and I have yet to do anything. Maybe I have a motivation problem. Consequently, I have also started drinking coffee again. Matt commented one day that he thinks there may be a correlation between the lack of creativity and the coffee drinking. Is there any medical research out there that backs his off-hand comment? So there is another thing I have to Google. My word, what would I do without Google?

Anywho...creativity. The lack in this department has also hindered the creation of blog number 2 that I spoke of in my last post. I can't think of a name. I've got no witty left in me, boo.

So, I may not be creative, or witty but I've still got my good looks and charm. That's right. Yesterday I was sitting at work, in my beautiful, figure enhancing scrubs. There I am just minding my own business and there's a 13 year old boy waiting for his sister in the waiting room. He's a talker the most. Just chatting my ear off. He tells me that it is his birthday, his 13th birthday. It's a big one and he thinks that he is ready to get a girlfriend. Here's the convo...

Random Kid: It's my birthday today you know...

Me: That's great buddy. How old are you?

R.K.: 13, it's sort of a big year.

Me: Yeah, you are a teenager now

R.K.: I know, it's sort of a lot of responsibility

Me: True

R.K.: Hey are these glasses real gold?

Me: Nope, you think we would just leave real gold glasses out like that, come on, you are 13 now, you know better than that.

R.K.: Yeah, well I think that now that I'm 13 it's about time that I get a girlfriend, you know?

Me: wow, well I think you have all kinds of time for that buddy, no hurry.

R.K.: Well, I was wondering what time you get off work?

Yeah, I kid you not. He said it, no shame. So I may be an uncreative coffee drinker but I can still get the young ones.

Any ideas for a blog name?


Sarah said...

Ballsy kid, fo sho!

I love it.

Lindsy said...

Way to go, Melis! You still got it!

Lindsy said...

Hey, for your new blog, how 'bout mismelisqt? Or something to do with ladybugs?!

Sarah said...

Yeah, I'm dying at Lindsy's comment about ladybugs.

Guess at least she had some suggestions for ya.

Brandi said...

OMG that is too darn funny. So what kind of work are you doing now? I know your creative side wil come back...it always does.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.