Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summa, summa, summa time!

Yeah, it's my favorite time of year...the sunny time.

This is a time when it is completely appropriate for me to smell like I do everyday, like I have bathed in sunscreen. I graduated from NNU (Go Saders!) five years ago but it is still weird to me that I don't have a summer break. Those of you who know me well know that I am a "delayed reaction girl". It takes a while for things to sink in for me. Well today I am working, staring outside wondering why it is that I can't be on a school schedule. I love when your calendar revolves around September - June and the months in between suddenly don't really count. This is where I'm spending my sweet summer day...

But here's where I really wish I was...

Ahhh, Corona Del Mar!

Roadtrip anyone?


Sarah said...

Ooohh, I love your office! Very fun.

I miss a summer schedj too. Yeah, schedj.

Stinks to have to be a grown up, huh? Not that I go to a place of employment or anything but still.

I love you and wish that you were HERE!!!

Lindsy said...

Way to go! You actually look like you're working! Kidding. Maybe you should come visit me in Texas.

Sarah said...

PS, I so would go on a road trip with you! Anytime, sista, anytime!

Giordi said...

Jack and I are going to be in Oregon in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can see you. I know it's not exactly a road trip, but it's better than nothing!

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest http://www.beachcomber.com/Capemay/Boardw/bcbea.html

It comes with Beach scene and seagulls without the nerdy creepy guy.

Hang in there Sister! :)
God's got you right where He wants you.
Love ya,
-Terri (imbarnabus)

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.