Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Orange and yellow, green and blue...

Here's the Dealy-O.

Because of the mass hysteria surrounding my last post and the requests for more information here's the whole story. (Sarah & Geebs this one's for you)

A few months ago I was commissioned (yeah, you read that right) by a guy to do some art work for his new house. He had seen a couple of paintings that I did for Tiffany's birthday gift last November and asked me to do some painting to tie together his living room/dining room area. Totally intimidated, but desperate for some cash to pay the bills, I agreed.

Now let's just back up here. I am not a painter. I can paint walls, furniture and even my nails but painting, painting, like fine art painting...completely beyond me. And being commissioned!?! I'm not even sure I really understand what all that entails. All I know is that I left the dudes house with sketch for measurements, a few examples of colors and a fat check.

So the paintings took me forever. I guess that's what happens when you don't really know what you are doing. And, unlike Geebs, I'm not into pumpkin orange. I'm a color expert (just ask Matt) and maybe even a color snob so it took me a while to get "inspired" for the pieces. So, finally I decided to go ahead and try to "fake it till I make it".

So...the pictures on the last post my friends are the result. I have never been so nervous as I was on Sunday when I went to deliver and hang them...
What if he hated them?
What happens then?
Do I have to give his money back?
I don't have the money anymore!!!
Is he going to take me to Judge Judy?
What would I wear if I had to be on T.V.?
Is my hair ok?
Man, I gotta get my eyebrows waxed stat!

...this is just where my mind went.

Long story short. He loved, loved them. All is well with the world and I am back to making cards. I must admit, once I found my way I did really enjoy the project. And I would do it again, but I'm sure you all can't afford me.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. You are so talented.

Sarah said...

You make me so proud Melis.

I love you.

And your snobbiness.

Psshh, can't afford you. What are you talking about? I make a killing staying at home watching soaps, eating bon bons and pretending to mother my children.

I could SO afford you!

The Kinney Clan said...

Pretty stinkin cool Mel! Way to get a little risk-ay and come up with something so beautiful!

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.