Thursday, November 13, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

I once was a girl in a white dress with a blue satin sash. Seriously. My madre has pictures of it all over her house. The details are a little sensitive. Let's just say the wearing of the dress may/or may not have involved an event that included a physical fitness routine, judges interview, pose and appearance and the dreaded talent portion. Yes, you've got it. But really, it was not a pageant, it was a scholarship program! And yes, I wore a white dress with a blue satin was amazing. I love that dress. Maybe because it was made just for me by Dr. Awesome in the southern California sweatshops of Corona in just two days. Maybe it was the realization that a language barrier is no barrier for fashion and he knew exactly what I was wanting. Whatever it was, the dress is one of my favorite things.

So, I decided to make a list of my favorite things recently and quickly discovered that a majority of my favorite things are not "things" at all. Most of them are experiences, moments and mostly people. One weekend last month I experienced three of my favorites (one thing, two people).

Two of my favorite people: Aunt Cece and Uncle Brian
One of my favorite things: GlassyBaby

My Aunt Cece and Uncle Brian made their yearly trek to the great Northwest and this year it included a stop in Mac-Town. We had a great time checking out the sights, eating the local food, and enjoying the fall weather. We even hit up Roloff Farms (you know, from Little People, Big World)! I like to think I dazzled them with my knowledge of the area and superior sense of direction. Too bad I don't speak with an English accent like that lady on their GPS.

They also brought me an amazing new GlassyBaby called Seattle Sunset.
I know this sounds a bit obsessive but really, until you have seen a GlassyBaby in all it's glory you have no place to judge. Check out their website here. One of the great things about this company is that they consistently donate portions of each sale to various cancer and cancer research foundations. Woot-woot! Another great thing about them is that the know a good people when they see 'em. Yeah, not only did my aunt and uncle check out the studio but they made friends and were featured on the GlassyBaby blog! Read more here.

Thanks Aunt Cece and Uncle B for spending time in Mac. The town will never be the same. And guess what...the countdown is on! See ya'll in 19 days!


Lindsy said...

Wouldn't it be loverly...

Debby said...

I love that dress too and especially the memory. Those GlassyBabies are beautiful and CeCe and Uncle B. are two of my favorites.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.