Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mission: Half

Ok, here's the deal: I happen to own a few pairs of shoes. Alright, to be honest it's more than a few. And it seems as though I wear the same pairs over and over, leaving a closet full of great shoes that at one time or another I just "had to have". But really, I don't need half of what I have. So, I decided to get rid of half. And I want to encourage you to think about it, what can you split in half? It's not about passing shoes on to my mom, or my sis or my nieces, they've got plenty. But I've come across this organization Soles 4 Souls that take new or gently used shoes and get them to peeps that really need them. How rad is that! If you feel so inclined check out their website here and see how you can get involved. 

Join me on Mission: Half and get creative about giving!


Sarah said...

Thinkin' I may just do this!

Tracy said...
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Megan said...

Great Idea! I could definitely handle getting rid of half of my shoes... Only porblem is they might not fit anyone else! :)

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.