Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oregon Driving 101

I haven't been pulled over in forever, I think not since my soph. year at NNU. I'm darn proud of the fact that I have never gotten a speeding ticket and have only been pulled over for a handful of semi-dumb reasons. You know, tail light out, swerving while completely sober, etc. Well this weekend's run in with the law was more than just semi-dumb. It was pure dumb.

My friend Tiffany and I were at a friends house in Amity, Oregon, population, -5. They have one cop who looks like he's about 12 and has to make up for his age by knowing and enforcing anything that may slightly resemble a law. So it was about 12:30 a.m., Saturday morning after a crazy night of fondue and fun. I was driving Tiff's car and we got pulled over because the light on her license plate is out. Ok, so maybe he didn't have much to do and I can understand that, but did he have to call me Melis? Come on, he does not have the right to nickname just because he's the law! So, no ticket and we went on our merry way.

But it does not end there...on Sunday after church we were driving back through the same small town & we were pulled over by the same copper (and also a state trooper)! This time Tiff was driving and he said that she failed to stop for pedestrians on the side of the road who may be attempting to cross the street (their was no cross walk mind you). The problem was that we saw the pedestrians, they were standing on the side walk talking, not attempting to cross. Still no ticket, boy he is generous, ha. My favorite part of it all was that he thought they were waiting to get across the street to attend the Amity Tractor Pull!
So driving tip of the day...courtesy of Melissa, Tiffany and the Amity Oregon police dept.:
If someone is standing on the opposite side of the road as an annual tractor pull and they may attempt to cross at some point, who knows when....but sometime, you better stop. They have the right away folks, cross walk or not! Keep your eyes on the road!

Maybe in all my gyspyness and travel I will never be able to avoid the small town life. What is a tractor pull anyway? HA!


Brandi said...

Too funny Melissa! Now you know the feeling of a small town. This makes me laugh so hard. Oh I feel even more dumb cause I do know what a tractor pull is. Here's the low down! It's when a truck pulls this really large box looking thing behind it usually in a mud bog and while trying to go this large weight thing moves up the box weighting downt he truck thill it just bogs down. Well there the official low down on what a tractor pull is. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH too funny.

Brandi said...

I put its when a truck, but it's a truck/tractor. That what gives it the Tractor Pull name. I am still laughing at this. Too Funny!

Sarah said...

Oh my word!!! I love it! I think you and Tiffany are both mighty strong and could have pulled the "really large box looking thing" all by your pretty little selves. I probably would have paid to see it, in fact.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.