Thursday, July 19, 2007


Thankful actually doesn't begin to express all that I feel. The last few months have been crazy and it has been all of you (friends, family & such) that have made me remember what it's all about. I'm a starving's a good thing we can't take material things with us! All these relationships mean more to me than anything I could ever own. Thank you for the support, love, words of encouragement, prayers and laughs. Ya'll have made my circumstances irrelevant.

This weekend was a quick trip to the Grandview....Fun times!

Sarah's working on an arranged marriage...
My favorite guy!
They just can't get enough of each other!


Lindsy said...

Melis! You just look so good! Are you feeling as good as you look?

Sarah said...

They really would be a perfect match, I'm sure of it. I mean, c'mon, he threw his arms up in the air for me to hold him. Pretty sure he was thinking, "this amazing lady will one day be my mother in law."

Yeah, that's what he was thinking.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.