Friday, September 7, 2007

Back to School...

I hate to study. I'm not good at it. I've never done much of it. But I did graduate (twice actually)from college and I'm still pretty stoked to be done. Well, because of recent events, involving the Temptress, I'm back to hitting the books. More on that later, but first here's a quick Temptress update...

...she's back, and she runs. Still making a few weird noises (I'll give her that, she's old)but she has developed one new "special feature". My key no longer opens the driver's door. That's right, if I want to enter my car I must now unlock the passenger side door, push the power lock thing (that only opens the driver's door) and then manually lock the passenger door (the power to that one broke a couple years ago) and then walk around to the driver's side a get in. What a process, I'm thinking of buying some mace. I mean come on, it's quite a routine and in a dark parking lot at night, yeah, I'm going to be prepared. And I'm pretty sure my Uncle Brian would agree with me.

So why school? It's not really school, it's more like at home learning. Ok, here's the deal. I have realized, and I've been talking about it forever, that I need to get a new car, it's time. But the thought of looking, test driving, buying, hoping it's not a lemon and, getting to know where all the new buttons are, really overwhelms me. So I have decided to finally buck up and get a new car, which requires me to get an Oregon drivers licence if I want this whole thing to be as economical as possible (no tax). This in and of itself is a huge deal. I have lived in three states and countless cities since leaving home and have yet to change my residency. So I'm taking the plunge.

Here's the thing, I go to the DMV,take a number, which now is a box that prints a receipt looking thing (they have really advanced DMV tech. in the last 11 years). I'm number D52. At the front of the building I find the little red sign showing what number they are currently helping. 12! WHAT! It looks like there are only 20 people in the waiting area. This is what always surprises me about the DMV. The people come out of the woodwork when their number is called. They just kept appearing out of no where and I'm wondering if there are people who wait in DMV lines for other, busier people. This could be big business, it could be an untapped market. I'm considering standing at the entrance to busy DMVs and offering my services. I'd take a number, wait, and then phone my client when their number is approaching. My charge could be based on the number of minutes spent waiting. Genius. And think about it, it really is a win, win, the DMV is great for people watching, and I'm totally into that. Also,as a side note, my number was D52, no one ever addressed the letter at the beginning of the number, weird. I should have asked.

My number is finally called and I approach the counter, bracing myself for DMV peeps, you know the type, mostly never friendly, always mad at the world. The lady I spoke to actually broke all DMV stereotypes. She was near nice and very informative, even though what she informed me of was bad news.


What the ___________!?!

This is something that I have not done in 11 years, count 'em ELEVEN! Not cool DMV, not cool.

So here I am studying my little book that the quasi-nice lady gave me with big smile. It's like they find joy in my pain. And yes, I'm actually studying. I figure I should, because if I fail, I have to wait 28 days to try again. Sheesh!

Wish me luck.


Brandi said...

I know the feeling. When I came back here to Oregon in Dec I too had to re-take my test. I just went for the gusto and chanced it. I passes even. I missed 6 which I think was the max, but owell I didn't care at that point. I sware somethings have changed sicne I took it 14yrs ago. WOW! Oh totally not related but I got a new job yesterday at a dermatologist office working as a MA. I am so excited to be back on days with weekends off. I start on the 20th. How did your interviews turn out? Anyways best of luck with that book, its easier than you think. Pretty much common sense.

Sarah said...

Just flash 'em. The DMV tester people. You'll have that license in no time.

'Cause you're H-O-T-T.

Lindsy said...

Talk about drivers license nazis! They didn't make me do that in Texas and everyone here thinks Texas is the greatest! Whatev!

amber said...

When I moved to Idaho, same thing. Had to take the written. Thought no biggie, I can drive... took it the same day, FAILED. Yep, I'm admitting that I failed my driving test. However, I consider to have been practice..

Good luck

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