Thursday, October 9, 2008

Don't you just love it...

...when your birthday is extended with unexpected gifts. A good friend from college surprised me yesterday with some clean water for Charity:Water! Yea! I sent him a quick text to thank him and last night I got this response: "The economy may suck...but we are still f'n blessed." Amen to that! (Is it appropriate to say amen to a statement that includes an abbreviation of a curse word?)

Whatever the case we are blessed, more than most of us will ever understand. Sure, we can practice being selfless, we can give what we have, even give our time, our lifestyle, our comforts. But for us it is a choice, poverty for the sake of others that is. It isn't something that we were born into or stricken with. What an amazing, undeserved gift we have been given. I'm currently reading Melissa Faye Green's book There Is No Me Without You, talk about good stuff...I'm only part way in and I've had tears the entire time. I can't imagine the daily burdens that this amazing foster mother in Ethiopia deals with. I can't put it down. Check it out here. But, be aware, it's a serious call to action. The knowledge you will gain on the AIDS epidemic in Africa is startling. Dig in!

Simple Spiel Update: I'm taking this forced slow down time to decide exactly how this is all going to work. I had a great convo on Tuesday with a smarty-pants friend of mine who has agreed to get me started on the business portion of turning Simple Spiel into a outlet to help others. Yea for Smarty-McGoo-Sauce-business-minded friends! So, we are praying for connections to be made with the right people as I do research into where to send profits, and that the Lord will grow this dream of mine into what He desires for it. Thanks for the continued support!



Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of you and praying for you.

Sarah said...

Yeah, not sure about the AMEN with the curse word.

Let me be in prayer for you....


It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.