Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So glad.

Elisabeth Elliot is one of my heroes, an amazing writer, understander of the woman's heart, lover of all, fearless in her mission, her words are of continual encouragement to me. Today I read her daily devotional titled "The Supremacy of Christ". It was so what I needed to hear today. Seems like I have heard it a million times before but I needed it again...

The first thing was to settle once and for all the supremacy of Christ in my life, I tell them. I put myself utterly and forever at His disposal, which means turning over all the rights: to myself, my body, my self-image, my notions of how I am to serve my Master. Oswald Chambers calls it "breaking the husk of my individual independence of God." Until that break comes, all the rest is "pious fraud." I tell these earnest kids that the will of God is always different from what they expect, always bigger, and, ultimately, infinitely more glorious than their wildest imaginings.

See, when it seems to me like everything is falling apart, or nothing adds up, and I can't imagine good...it's coming, I am promised good, and I am so glad!

To read Elisabeth's devo click here.

1 comment:

J said...

I love Elisabeth as well...her ability to choose joy and knowing the true love of her life has been an inspiration to me. I just found your site...I feel like we have a lot of passions in common! I love it. Have you heard Tim Hughes' song, God of Justice? I think you would love it.

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