Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's The Little Things.

Oregon is by mail voting state. This is the first year since I turned 18, that I have lived where I am voting. Meaning, that for the past ten years I have been a boring absentee voter. But not this year! I was stoked...until I found out that the entire state of Oregon votes by mail. No strange little old men showing you where to sign and directing you to a voting booth, no possibility of hanging chads, and especially no "I Voted" stickers. I've never had one of my own, only hand-me-downs from my Madre when I was little. Truth be told, I'm pretty bummed, I was looking forward to my very first sticker. Maybe they should include them in with the ballots next time. Maybe they should employ me to stuff the envelopes with stickers. I would no doubt do it proudly. Come on Oregon, people pump our gas, why not crate a few jobs for sticker stuffers! And that folks, is what I aspire to.

Happy election (or happy the election is finally almost over) to all of you!

P.S. To those of you still receiving stickers for your votes. Don't take them for grated, not all of us has the luxury of them, so wear them proudly! And if you get an extra...send it my way!


Debby said...

Lucky you ! Your madre will send you a sticker - they actually include them in Wash. absentee ballots !
Love you!

Brandi said...

I wouldn't share mine with my kids yesterday!

I definitely agree that they should send you a sticker too!


Sarah said...

What I like about WA is that not only do they send them with the absentee ballots, they send them in Spanish. Mine says, "Yo, Vote!" Love it.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.