Friday, September 5, 2008

Daisy K Design! Woot-woot!

My sweet friend Kelli is one of the most creative people I know. Kelli and I met on my very first day at NNU & hit it off instantly. She is that friend that I can not see for the longest time but when we get together it seems that no time has passed. I'll never forget when she came home and told us that she had met Josh and the times that I got to spend with the two of them while they were dating. Kelli also had great faith in me and asked me to be a candle lighter in their wedding. Bad idea. I wouldn't say I ruined the day but I sure ruined the candle lighting portion. That's another story for another day.

Kelli has never been one to sit around. We are like minded in needing to stay busy and always having a million projects going. I wish we lived closer so we could work on a few together! So, although she has her hands full with two boys (and Josh!) she somehow finds the time to create these amazing bottle cap goodies!

Her stuff is great, magnets, clocks, jewelry, etc. I love it all and I know you will too!

Check, check out Daisy K!

She's on ETSY too! Click here.

Love you Kel!

1 comment:

The Kinney Clan said...

Wow, thanks Melis! I don't know what I did to deserve such an awesome blog post - but I hope you know that you too are amazing!! Thanks for your encouraging words friend :) Love ya!

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.