Monday, September 15, 2008

The end of summer as I know it.

Just a bit of an update on where the summer has gone. I spent the weekend in Seattle with Caitlin and Erin at Coffee Fest 2008. I was on cloud niner. You can only imagine the amazing aroma and massive population of bearded baristas (my fav)!

The summer has flown by, consumed with work.

One of my favorite times was the "Girls Weekend '08". Madre, Mandy, Bre, Ness, Kenna, and Vanna came to spend time with me here in Mac. It was a great time filled with walks, ice cream, shopping and more shopping, food, painting pottery, drinking coffee and just being sarcastic in general (as is our style).


Lindsy said...

Ohhhh! Good times. That makes me miss your madre. Did you guys paint any MUGS while you were there? :)

Debby said...

Great pics of lovely girls enjoying one another and the shared experiences. You are blessed!

Sarah said...

Sounds like you've had yourself some good times! Love the peectures.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.