Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday....To Me!

The September Campaign Trailer - from charity: water on Vimeo.

This morning my alarm went off at 7 a.m. Warm and cozy in my bed I had no desire to get up, get ready and go to work. I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth, took a shower, and brewed my morning coffee. Noticed that the laundry didn’t get done this weekend, started a load. Filled my mug, grabbed a water bottle and headed out the door.

How blessed am I that I get to do any of this. I hate the morning, yet my routine is rich compared to so many. More than a billion people in our world don’t have clean water, water that makes my world work right, water that I don’t even think about in my hurried day.

This year I am turning 28. This has been a year of changes for me. I’ve been so overwhelmed with what I can do to make a change with how I give to others. Please help me, and instead of giving me a birthday gift, give the gift of clean water to those who desperately need it in Ethiopia. And if you don’t usually give me a gift…good, keep it up, give it away!

Check out my site here.

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