Friday, September 5, 2008

It was touch & go.

I've been sick. Real sick. I told a friend yesterday that I was sicker than a dog. As soon as I said it I wanted to take it back. What the heck? Sicker than a dog, really? What does that mean exactly? And where did it come from. I think I need to go ahead a refrain from using old school expressions that I have no idea where they came from or what they really mean. So, one more thing to Google. I'll get back to you on that one.

While I laid on the couch for three days (in and out of consciousness), not even wanting to read (which is really weird for me)I watched a whole lot of TV. I'm cheap and refuse to get cable so the couple free, fuzzy channels I do get don't exactly provide hours of amazing entertainment. But I did find myself transported back to the good old days with a couple of shows.

Yep, that's right...Bob Ross and his "happy little clouds" and Hangin' With Mr. Cooper. "COOPER, COOPER!"


Of course most of my TV watching was commercials. I've discovered that a majority of day time commercials are for colleges and trade schools. Did you know that you can graduate in less than a year and have an great career in the medical field, computers or business? It truly is amazing. I'm wondering how many people watching the Tyra show at 1p.m. on a week day actually see that commercial and think "whoa, me, a massage therapist in just 9 months?! That's it, today is the day, I'm putting down my plate of Totino's Pizza Rolls (another great commercial) getting off my butt and going back to school!"

So, my life the last three days has been consumed with commercials and I thought I would bring a couple to my blog today. I think these are a bit more worthy of your viewing time. I have a couple friends involved in some rad stuff so I'm going to be sending info your way. Brought to you by the letter M and the color green. Don't change the channel...we'll be right back.

Happy Friday!

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