Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day Uno!

So here I am, in a shady hotel in New Jersey with the rents. It may be a bit crazy but at least they have I can tell you all about my day! It was a great one. We took a shuttle to the airport with what seemed to be grandparents on vaca with their grandkids. Funny stuff, G'ma talked the whole time. At one point, she told her G'daughter (who was maybe 6) that the CEO of Alaska airlines died in a plane crash. "He just clipped some trees and down he went.", she said. Oh, the poor little girl. She thought her G'ma was talking about the plane they were taking. Some people.

I love flying, I really do, but there is always some sort fiasco when I fly. Most of you know that I tend to find a fiasco wherever I go. Today was no exception. Madre and I, being the health nuts that we are, got 32 oz. smoothies at the airport, instead of the evil McDonalds, before we left. They were good going down. Enough said. I like to fly but I hate going to the bathroom on the plane. I avoid it at all costs. Today I couldn't avoid it. Gross, I know. Don't you worry your pretty little head, we are feeling better. Here's what Madre and I looked like most of the flight.

We were so glad to finally land @ Newark and take the air tram to our car. I haven't been to the east coast since middle school. So I get off the plane in my black leggings, with this gray dress over them and my favorite flip flops. All of a sudden I feel so west coast, and really blond. Not another blondie in sight!

One of my favorite things about the Newark airport was the food choices. This cereal vending machine of sorts is great. "Cereality"! Seiously, I love it.

Well Padre just turned on Sports Center and I gotta get caught up, don't worry there will be more trip updates to come...happy Friday ya'll!


Sarah said...

Uh huh, 32 oz. smoothies, that's healthy! ;)

Totally love that you can find a fiasco wherever you go. Always makes time with you an adventure. I'm thinking porta-potty, Target, Mexican border...and those are just the first three that popped in my head.

Love your parents, please tell 'em I said so.

T said...

Hey! Good to know that fiascos still find you! It would be boring if they didn't- plus you wouldn't have anything funny to blog about!

I can picture your west coast outfit perfectly...mostly because I am jealous of the leggings!

You and your family are in my prayers and I miss you and can't wait for you to be back!

Blog about the back hoe soon!

Oh yeah, any Jim sightings?

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.