Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Reunion Time!

Last night was a quick impromptu NNU last crazy night before I head back east. Jeff is in town and the Crew's migration to Portland is beginning. There was a lot to celebrate...and celebrate we did! We missed you Liz!


T said...

Oh the crew! If I had my wish we would all live in one big communal house...remember those schemes we hatched back in the Rott...

Fun times seeing everyone...and Melis, don't know what I'm going to do without for two weeks! You're family is in my prayers for sure.

Sarah said...

Who are these people?! You should have names posted at the bottom. Geez! :)

I'll make sure I call you everyday so you can hear your favorite song. And tiffypoo...make sure you call too, so Melis gets her worship time in.

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.