Thursday, August 9, 2007

The girls of "She"

As I have mentioned before my "She" line of cards is inspired by special women and girls in my life who I think are absolutely fabulous. I think it's time ya'll know who they are so I have decided to take time to tell you about each of them here on my blog. There are so many to list, and some of their cards I have yet to make, but let's start with a couple that I really can't get enough of...

Jenna and Chloe Joy girl! My aunt sent me this picture today (she is a "She" girl too, more on her soon!) and I love it.

Jenna inspired the card: She...dares to follow her heart. She is someone that I never get bored with. We can do nothing at all and have a good time. What I love about Jenna is that she can't help but be herself. She is not a follower and stays true to who she is no matter what. She keeps her own pace, and follows her heart, while still being one of the most caring people I know. She teaches me things all the time. She is the little sis I never had and the one of the best cousins around. I am thankful to her for rainy days at the beach with Jack Johnson, Coco's Asian chicken salad, walks around gram's with compression shorts, and "Go Emily"! Jenn, I love ya & can't wait for God only knows what in October! Thank you for daring to follow your heart.

Chloe Joy inspired the card: She...creates joy. This is not a big surprise to those that know her. She truly lives up to her middle name. She is possibly the most amazing person I know and has helped me realize a kind of love that I never thought possible. When you are around Chloe you can't help but smile. She has helped remind me what is important in life and despite her circumstances creates joy wherever she goes. I am thankful for her courage, attitude, and sweet acceptance of all those around her. Our family would not be the same without her. She amazes me with her ability to hear things no one else does, core strength, hilarious "hair noise" and her sweet whispers. I'm pretty much a huge fan! Thank you sweet girl for creating joy.

So there's a start...two of my favs, check back soon to see who else is a girl of "She". And don't forget to tell the girls in your life, that you think they are wonderful...make it a point to make someone's day.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love knowing the inspiration for each card. Very cool, indeed!

It's a revolution...and we're starting one mailbox at a time.